Talent Management

Light’s Out = No Excuses Regarding Performance! #SuperbowlXLVII


light switch 2 Lights Out = No Excuses Regarding Performance! #SuperbowlXLVII

So Superbowl XLVII is over. And a lot of people are gonna blame the power outage for the result.

Some will blame Beyonce’ for her ability to drain the power from the stadium that they believe lead to the end result.

Some will blame the psychology that took place as a result of the 87 minute break in between the beginning of half-time and the beginning of the 2nd half.

However, no one should blame any of this on those factors. The only blame resides on the pure performance or lack of performance of the players in this game.


But like I said tonight: “If I was at work & the lights suddenly went out and came back on, I doubt anyone would accept the excuse of me not being able to perform because of it! #SuperBowl #NoExcuses #SuckItUp”


The Important Difference Between Talent & Skill

Many insights but to me, the most important aspect is the fundamental difference between Talent and Skill. The understanding that whatever you have it is nothing without work and ethic!

Your Culture is NOT a marketing plan

Just because you promote a great Culture doesn’t mean it translates well in your employment marketing and on-boarding program! If you lie about who you truly are as a company your new employee will quickly question their choice.

However, if you do have a culture that has been communicated effectively and honestly the employee will not question the truth about the rest of what they were promoted.

the fairy tale of workplace culture Your Culture is NOT a marketing plan


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