Social Networking

…you really should not be here. I mean, I think it is great that you visit this online site fillied with fact, opinion and rant but it’s Christmas time. Get off the darn internet, your phone, tablet, kindle… and get with the people you rarely talk to or see. Get busy spending quality time with the people who matter!
Merry Christmas…
… Happy Birthday Jesus and God Bless (yeah I said it)!
Note: I wrote this on Tuesday!
Yesterday was my Birthday. I stayed home, watched 2 movies, chilled and overall tried to stay away from the computer. Not completely successful but overall I did a good job.
You can be connected but how connected is too connected?
I believe that it is the time for Human Resources. The time that many companies, people, employees, vendors and executives are seeing the need of the people who represent and lead the roles to add value to the overall effectiveness in the organization.
HR is showing up more and more. This is evidenced through publications like and other national papers and blogs. Mashable is no exception and they have talked about Social Media in the workplace context for awhile.
I am happy we as a profession are getting more recognition. It is just more reinforcement for us as professionals. We have more tools and encouragement to be champions for our function as well as advertise that passion. I am very excited to be included in an article on It was written by a great advocate for the field Sharlyn Lauby and includes some great contributors to the convo! I invite you to add to the discussion in the Mashable article entitied ”The Future of HR & SocialMedia” - Leave your thoughts.
Twitter: BenjaminMcCall
Business, facebook, future of social media series, HR, Human Resources, job, job search, jobs, Mashable, ReThinkHR, Social Media, twitter

Tomorrow I will be at the Greater Cincinnati American Society for Training and Development (GCASTD) Local conference. “Ignite Your Mojo” is the theme. I am excited to attend and present at this conference for the first time.
The thing I really like about it is the fact that a panel and discussion around Social Media will be happening for the first time this year. I think it is great that the local HR and Training community is starting to see some potential and uses for the tools within our field. But we have a long way to go. I am dissapointed in the lack of use and embracing of Social Media within the national ASTD for truly using social tools for learning. It is always funny to me how people give presentations, offer advice and tout their knowledge of social media all while barely using it themselves.
As part of the panel a few friends will join me in discussing opportunites that exist in Social Media, ways we can help people learn, and approaches we have taken to learn new ideas for ourselves. They know quite a bit about it and are, as I would say, “practitioners” since they use social media tools often! Friends and Colleagues Steve Browne, Erin Schreyer and Kendra Ramirez will share the stage. A funny thing I’ll probably mention to audience is that, we as panelists, were able to put together and plan this panel through social media. Actually this will be the first time Kendra and I have met in person, despite the fact that we have built a connection before we even met!
I look forward to the results and outcomes that will start out of this conference. I hope that I can be one of the little nudges for people to go ahead and take the leap!