Tag: Alignment

Aligning Expectations is a moving target


177173.strip.print Aligning Expectations is a moving target


Too often we leave a meeting, interaction, quick or long conversation with an idea in our minds. Whether you are the manager or the employee, the parent or child, or even colleague or friend…

you may leave with a certain expectation of what happened, what was agreed to, or how the next steps should take place.


When we go into and then leave these interactions, especially when there is an action or an agreement made, a perceived Contract is written. There is an agreement made in the mind, regardless of whether or not it was physically written. Each time you come back to receive or outline progress around this agreement that Contract is re-written, adjusted, erased, edited and reprinted in your mind.


The problem is that we all expect different things and those expectations do not always align. So take a moment to think before you judge the next time someone you have interacted with does not meet your expectations. It may not be about performance but more about the misunderstanding of that Contract around the Expectation!



Bad Performance or Bad Job?

166321.strip.print Bad Performance or Bad Job?


How often do you see this happen? Too often huh! But let’s remember one thing that is too prevelent within todays work environments but many seem to outright ignore or do not have the strength to face…

“More often poor performance is less about the performance itself and more about how the unrealistic demands and expectations that are placed on people within their roles actually deter them from being better performers!”

Let’s all do a better job of aligning the right skills for the right roles and the right people to the right jobs.

Performance would be so much better!


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