I have been M.I.A over the last few weeks. For good reason. Over the last few months, my main focus at work has been in part a Leadership Development Program for four groups of individuals, a mentoring program, creating and benchmarking overall Learning and Organizational metrics and performance measures, as well as long term succession planning around a core group of Executive high potentials.
All this has caused a high influx of busy… busy… busy in my life. However, I can honestly say it has been great. Last week was the first physical session of one core group of the leadership team. A lot of nerves, time and planning went into it.
As anyone who plans, leads and facilitates any training session can tell you - the process can be exhausting. It can even be more exhausting when you are dealing with your fellow colleagues. It may be taxing on your own confidence in the job you do as well as on the unrealized and unsaid expectations of anyone involved.
Expectations are a tricky thing. They are not always measurable. Nor are they easily defined. The core function and objectives that are needed for a group to succeed are not exactly what match what they hope to receive.
Over the course of the three day session I never knew how well it was going or how bad it could have been. I think that is a consistent feeling. You want the best but prepare for the unimaginable. So as the second day began to end it was great to hear good remarks, unexpected praise as well as receive emails from the CEO saying how he heard how well it was going!
But the best thing I recieved was a hand written note (below) when I arrived at my desk this morning.
Sometimes all the planning, conversations, agreements and disagreements about what should happen… all come together when someone just expresses their appreciation.
When is the last time you showed yours for someones job well done?