I am a researcher. I like to dig and learn about anything and everything that pertains to my interest as well as my current insanity. In my research and my profession, I have come across articles and blogs that hold a wealth of information. Anything from big name consultants and practitioners within the industry of Human Resources, to the no-name candidates that scribble words on their online papers to express their feelings and thoughts on anything from employment, recruiting, talent and corporate structure to the personal ethics, personal hygiene, personal likes and dislikes of the workplace.
In all this research and surfing the wild, wild world of the web, I very seldom come across anything within the highway of the web for HR, training, organizational development, talent management, etc from a non-research, non-academic view. Not even when I do searches on Google do I find anything of the sort. Can you believe that, GOOGLE? Not to say there aren’t any other blogs out there and I am not saying that studies, statistics and the legal aspect are approaches that are not needed, but many times we forget to truly put the HUMAN back in Human resources. Stating facts and canned approaches can, at times, be lacking in how we actually practice as professionals. Oh well, so in this blog lie’s my purpose; to discuss issues, personal thoughts, misgivings, celebrations and unorthodox approaches in and around the world of HR and Talent Management. Taking anything from personal to common stories - even some general situations - and possibly connect to heart of how we, as professionals, need to better practice within the workplace and in life.
In my thoughts in order to be malleable and fluid for the times, HR will need to change its approach. Please enjoy this cyberspace journey and don’t plan for anything. Just plan to be surprised.
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