Steps jpeg Leadership is not simple... its just that simple.


I often see posts and articles listing ‘3 steps to leadership‘, ‘10 ways to become an effective leader‘, ‘4 approaches to build leaders around you,‘ etc…

Poppycock. Pure poppycock.

I don’t disagree with everything people write or suggest. Quite the contrary. I simple say that it’s not always that simple.

There is no exact formula.

There is not a silver bullet.

There is no straight line to leadership.

No secret, simple approach you can get from a Tom Peters, Seth Godin, or Marcus Buckingham book.


There are only approaches that have been done in the past that could be used towards how we could do them in the future.

Only actions and reactions to what we do to become better.

In the kitchen of leadership there are more than just a few steps to a prime chemistry. There is no exact tempurature or setting for it to be baked.

Much like culture, Leadership is built over time.

Leadership is not simple. It happens in steps. Across small moments collected over time.

What do you think?