Here’s the thing about appreciation…

It’s kind of like feedback in a review. Sometimes hard to get and when you get it, it is often unappreciated!

I am very into feedback. I think feedback is great and I am one that can take the good and the bad. Just like feedback I enjoy the bellowing of appreciation. The evidence of gratitude shown to me or by me to another person, for an action I have taken.

There’s this little blog that could….

like a little train through time and patience it has been shown appreciation  (I called her blog a little train lol). I am speaking of Laurie Ruettimann and her sounding board Well yesterday I guest posted on the subject of Employee Appreciation - she’s a Forbes top blog and I’m just a dude that happened to be cool enough to post on it.

Feel free to stop by, read the post: Employee Appreciation and leave a comment. Would love to see your thoughts and reactions.

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