I was listening in on HRHappyHour last night and the topic was ‘Tomorrow’s HR Today’. Episode 65 is live now. Check it out. Now that statement could mean many things to different people within the profession. It was a great discussion and while some of us may believe that the conversation within our field tends to go in cycles, meaning we talk about some of the same stuff just in different ways, I think it is important to have those discussions. At the same time, we need to move towards the goal while we are talking. As Alec Baldwin’s character states in Glengarry Glenn Ross to ”always-be-closing” we need to constantly be reaching for a higher level of what we need to be instead of just looking at it from a static place.
Which brings me to my reason for writing this. Some questions were raised around Human Resources professionals and us as the leadership within the field on whether we truly understand the “Drivers” of the business. What is the P&L, the products and services and more importantly the “WHY” the business is in business?
A great quote from last night:
“We don’t need to be business partners. We need to be business people!”
I have to admit that I have not always been very business acumeny…. but over the years I have built more of an understanding whether it be by personal interest or out of actual career survival mode.
So with these thoughts I pose some questions in the form of polls. Feel free to give your thoughts. Would love to see what you have think!

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