I presented at an event yesterday, No Job Now What, that was sponsored by a local Job Search Focus Group and WCPO Channel 9. I discussed the topic of “Networking.” Now while this is something that many people have opinions on, I presented from my own perspective and what I have learned from tried and true methods.

A few people throughout the day had some perceptions about networking while also being in “transition.” Some had no idea how to create a network from scratch, while others did not know how to approach their current network and friends as a result of the comfort level of being unemployed. One comment was…

“So you think it is worth joining various groups like a job search group? I just don’t see the point with most of them being unemployed and talking mostly about how long they have been out of work..”

First of all shr said “most of them” which assumes that she is in a somewhat different class of being out of work rather then other people who are unemployed! Does that even make sense?

My response to her was … “How do you know that’s what they talk about… have you ever attended?”
Her response “well no I haven’t but…”
Me… “No… How do you know? You don’t, because how would you know what they talk about if you never attended. If you never tried…”

Too many people assume what goes on. They make assumptions about people and groups without being a part of them.

Here are some points we discussed in the session:

  1. Mistakes people make
  2. Do a self assessment: Why are you networking
  3. Be remembered
  4. Be Strategic
  5. Be Human: You’re not on an elevator
  6. Be Noticed
  7. Be considered the expert
  8. Have Focus for where you are unique in your field
  9. Be Authentic
  10. Be Honest
  11. Update your core network: Let them know how you are doing and ask them how they are too!

I have included my slides and a video story from WCPO on my own search when I was looking for a job. Hope you enjoy.

Note on the video: I think it is funny how those reporting sound so amazed that companies are posting positions on social network sites. IT’S AMAZING>>>!! In my interview we talked about A LOT of stuff and the social media piece is all they ended up focusing on. (My search was not as simple as it sounds but it’s all good)!

(Click to view WCPO story for Reader)



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