Access = Access Less
While the internet, social networking, RSS feeds, Android, Apple and other social technologies allow us as individuals and companies to gain access to information that we lacked access to previously; that same technology has locked us into our own interest, essentially taking away our awareness to different streams, feeds and… Different Ideas!
A while back I wrote about the Importance of Different Ideas! The understanding that while we enjoy connecting and getting information from others this same silo of specialized information keeps us from exploring things outside of our own frequently traveled feeds and interest. It is this act of “personalization” that keeps us from the pursuit of other interest.
The danger in over-personalization
I recently attended ASTD International Conference in Orlando, FL. While I was there I had the opportunity to interview Marcus Buckingham, Author of the book Strengths Finder and the upcoming title Stand Out. Be on the look out for a post regarding this interview. During this interview it reminded me of the faults in over personalization of information and internet streams.
A recent TED talk from Eli Pariser, author of “The Filter Bubble,” speaks of the dangers of only staying within the boundaries of our interest, the pain that these filters create, and the importance of not becoming a “Web of 1″
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