… that I don’t know everything. However, I am very willing to learn.

No one worth anything, ever got anywhere doing nothing.

In order to be somebody someone should follow, you have to be willing to to follow someone that no one wants to.

You will learn so much more from doing, than you will from talking about doing.

While talking is nice, listening is much sweeter.

I am no one without the some one’s that made me.

We have to realize that we are not a big deal. Once we get that, we can connect with so many more people.

All and all: I don’t claim to be the smartest person. However I am smart enough to know that in order to practice in the field we are in we have to be humble and admit that we can learn from others. If we don’t do that then no one will want to learn from us.

I am a big believer that what we have to say is noteworthy. We do not always have use others thoughts who are famous and quotes to inspire us. We can use those of others we are closest to as well as our own.

Take a break and feel free to add your own short thoughts. Things that motivate you and help you to check yourself!

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