What is your morning routine?

Is it anything like this little girls 49 Second Affirmation:

When you get up in the morning. Head off to work. When you get home. On the weekends.

What ritual or practice do you initiate every day? Does it even come close to what you saw from a, barely 4 year old, little girl? I bet not!

Who should we motivate?

At conferences, seminars, annual meetings, management and staff development - there are always people, groups and individuals that are brought in to motivate and encourage us with their passion and influence. Sometimes they are successful and other times they are not. Their success or lack of could be because of the culture, the environment, etc.

In daily interactions our routines show how close or far we are in relation to people. We show what motivates us by what we do and how we act.

Every day, maybe subconsciously, we look for others to constantly motivate us and those around us.

Maybe we have it wrong. Maybe we should be our own motivation. Maybe we should be the catalyst to motivate others. Maybe…

It takes a little. It takes a lot. But whatever little or a lot it takes, it starts with the individual.

Little Girl Motivational Creed:

I can do anything good. I like my school. I can do anything. I like my dad. I like my cousins… I like my assets. I like my hair…

I can do anything good.

Power of Daily Affirmations

Can you imagine if we started every day like this? If we had that level of self-motivation this little girl had… could you ever imagine the possibilities? Maybe you can be a motivation for others by just motivating yourself?

What is my starting routine…

I pray… I can do anything

So do you have any routines that get you going and started for the week, the month… for your life?

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