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Thoughts on HR, Leadership, Learning, Work, Life, and the balance between. Oh & maybe a lil golf in there too!

Human Resources Has a Seat at the Table!

Guess what….

… Human Resources is now considered a strategic partner! Your CEO has asked you to become part of the board meeting, increase your staff and development opportunities. More important, they have given you an infinite budget… more than Operations, Sales, R&D, and Marketing.Oh and get this, the employees love you because… there are no more layoff’s. Actually you will begin selection and succession planning for all positions within the organization on Friday.

Because of this, employees love you. They are actually smiling when you come instead of cringing. Added this increases morale, productivity… therefore, no more employee investigations and writing and re-writing policy. Yippee!!!

So go take a long lunch. Leave early from work today for your reward.  You now have a seat at the table!

Oh and another thing….




Some of you may already have this situation at work, but judging from what I have read, heard and seen over the last 12 months in blogs, talk radio, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, local and national SHRM, legislation and office politics…chances are this is not real for most.

But hey, we are working so that this will all come true (at least some of us are).

Disclaimer: I hate the phrase “Seat at the Table.” I think we should be taking the seat versus waiting for it to be given to us. So of course this was funny to me!

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